Writing My First Article about Javascript

Nov 2, 2020

Today I discuss some core concept of javascript

Some important concept of Array

1.IndexOf() method

It is used to find an array index number from the array element.


2.push() method

It is used to add element from behind the array


3.pop() method

It is used to delete element from behind the array


4.Slice() method

It is used to show a certain number of the array elements.


5.Splice() method

it is used to remove or replace an existing number in an array and also can add a new element into an array.


6.Shift() & unShift() methods

The unshift method is used to add an element from the front area of an array and return the new length of the array.

Example :

The shift method is used to remove an element from the first element of an array and also return that removed element.


7.map() method

The mapping method is used to repeat the array and the calling function in each of the elements of the array.


8.find() method

It is used to get the value of the first element in the array that satisfies the provided condition. It checks all the elements of the array and whichever the first element satisfies the condition is going to print.


9.filter() method

This method creates a new array with all the elements that fall under the given condition implemented by the provided function. It also returned a new array with only those elements that satisfy the criteria provided.


10.forEach() method

The forEach method calls the given function for each element of the array.





I am a front End web developer.